Kitchen Pendants aid in task lighting in my kitchenette

 Illuminating one's kitchenette properly is not an easy cake walk and many would want to hire professionals to do the job. When I wanted to light my kitchen, I wanted to hire the best people in the industry, on whom I could totally rely on. On neighbor’s advice, I called Modern Period Style Lighting Antique. The crew was very cooperative and they listened to my lighting needs very carefully.

I wanted some traditional suspenders in my kitchen. I wanted a small suspender over the sink, next to the window and larger suspenders over the island and table. Now I have a total of 7 kitchen pendants in my kitchenette- 3 over the island and 3 over the table. The crew installed Gamora Snooker Table Light over the table and George Snooker Light over the island. They have been hanged a bit higher so that they don't look huge and colossal. Kitchen pendant lighting changed the whole appearance of my kitchen. A small kitchen pendant light was installed over the sink. I really love the prism glass. It throws beautiful beams of light and does not look at all industrial. It’s very elegant for my kitchenette and aids in washing dishes without any strain to my eyes. Since I have a huge table in my kitchenette, the crew also installed a crystal chandelier on the ceiling which makes for ambient lighting and the suspenders are used to provide task lighting.

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